be short for

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be short for

更新时间:2025-03-10 22:52:29

be short for基本解释



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be short for的意思

1. Analysts said the downtrend may not be reversed in the short term, as falling international prices for farm produce trim the competitiveness of Chinese goods.

2. But short of hoping latecomers will be shamed into mending their ways, the campaign offers no rewards for compliance or penalties for tardiness.

3. This is the only possible explanation for Richard Branson's inexplicable fondness for what is quite clearly bad hair that would be best cut short.

4. In the short term, it will be necessary for the government to take quick measures to deflate investment bubbles.

5. Even if it does, it can only be effective for a short time.

6. But some economists said coupons can only be effective for a short time.

7. Wallace said he did not know whether deserters were more likely to be those who enlisted for a short or long tour.

8. This may be a more efficient way of gathering experienced people than sending Chinese officials to another country for a short time.

9. Oil prices will be much higher for much longer than any of us had believed even a short while ago.

10. For a large volunteer turnout, incentives would have to be offered and working hours kept flexible and short.

1. Although, it seems that the priority for agriculture water use is higher than other water demand when the agriculture water demand is preserved, the manipulation for agriculture demand is conservative. Been preserved as a higher water right, the agriculture water demand is to keep the same amount as it used to be, but not considering the potential need of long or short period water re-distribution caused by the hydrological or environmental condition such as the draught period or the depletion of groundwater water.

2. On the practice of supply chain management, we always studied the carriers`performance when the shippers choose carriers to carry for him. This kind of research belong to afterwards assess, it is short of goad and initiative. Many cases about lose can be find everywhere because of choosing improper carriers, the main reason is that there exist asymmetric information between the shipper and the carrier.

3. be short for的意思

3. Among other things, it has led to lowered sights and low dreams: Even among many people who once would have known better and would have striven higher, it has led, in the short run, to acceptance of the idea that—in reality and at least for the foreseeable future—there can be no alternative to the world as it is, under the domination of imperialism and other exploiters.

4. I am told that sometime next week Declans official website may be down for a short while.

5. People who are no strangers to the way this government operates should be able to logically determine that for the Sichuan Ministry of Education to have investigated results like these, they quickly came to a common understanding in the short time following the earthquake.

6. I could be anybody on stage, and for that short time I wasn't anorexic.


7. Since we have continued in our downtrend, we will only be looking for short trades.

8. Numerical simulation results indicate that emptied areas, especially such large ones as No.1, 5, 7 and 8, are potential harmful resources for extraction of 105~# ore body; 2. Potential safety problem due to emptied areas could be solved by filling works according to numerical calculation; 3. Trial experiment of material component gives basic filling parameters in weight as follows: tailings - crushed sand ratio of 3:1, cement-aggregate ratio of 1:6, and slurry density of 68-70%; 4. Fly ash is suggested to adopt in filling materials if possible because addition of fly ash can improve hydraulic conveying proprety of slurry and reduce cost of filling; 5. Current preparation system of filling slurry can still be used for filling works of 105~# ore body; 6. Economic and technical comparison among three drafts suggests that 10~# blind inclined shaft system is an optimal choice because of low capital and short pipeline.

9. Cash on hand, cash in bank and marketable securities shall be accounted for separately; receivables shall be accounted for separately where appropriate as bills receivable, accounts receivable, short term loans receivable and other receivables; prepayments shall be accounted for separately where appropriate as deposits to suppliers, income tax prepaid and expenses prepaid; inventory shall be accounted for separately where appropriate as merchandise, raw materials, work-in-progress, semi-finished goods, finished goods, containers and low-value consumables.

10. The attendant modern enterprise is the huge, complex and international competition in the market growing, corporate external environment uncertainty deepen, forcing companies to scramble for market and the survival and development of space management in the short-term goal will be to the long-term goal, a specialized functions to the overall operation and management of the decision-making and management, enterprise management will be upgraded to a strategic level, the formation of corporate strategy and strategic management concepts.

11. Directors Chenhanpei Shanghai real estate market, the new site listed in July There are three main reasons for the reduction, primarily traditional main rooms, off-season arrival, continuous high temperature may prevent property buyers to a certain extent the enthusiasm, so some property developers will be listed date postponed; Secondly, in July, the authorities increased the total pre-sale permit threshold, the previous conditions are not complete due to human factors in the circumstances of the situation for pre-sale permits no longer exist, in the short term there has been a marked decline in the number of listed property; Third, from early July, the city premises Resources Board specified notice period should be completed in three days before the official opening, the previous irregularities in the notice asking from the ranks of the new site notice, it would have been on an upward trend this year the preheat sale in June decreased, from May 39 to 20 at the following, and therefore to a certain extent, resulting from the figures show that the decrease in the number of new sites.

12. be short for的解释

12. For printed, dyed and yarn-dyed goods, a maximum of 10% of two-part pieces with the short part not less than 10yds is permissible if necessary and for each two part pieces an additional length of 1/2 yd will be supplied free.
花色,色布及色织布必要时可有不超过 10%的两段拼匹,其短的一段应不低于 10 码,拼匹免费另加半码。


13. In short, there are many reasons for dog vomiting, also may be a sign of illness.

14. In some areas in China, Agasicles hygro phila can not be based on natural populations, the need for the release of a large number of man-made breed, this article of Agasicles hygro phila under different ecological conditions of the determination of the flight capacity and flight behavior of continuous observation, clear whether the proliferation of a certain ability to migrate a short distance, and computer recording system with the flight measured at different grinding temperature and humidity of the impact of their flying ability to achieve the optimization of time and man-made release of the release area and release the location to save insects and a large number of human and material resources.

15. be short for

15. To delete their own short code, for some hacker program will be useful!

16. So for a short time, the tracing has to be stopped.

17. be short for什么意思

17. Build QQ group, BBS, etc strengthen interactive, if the user needs what content, you must think method searchs, release for a short while, such other peoples can appreciate you, at the same time also hook in the person is angry, at the same time other member and user also can give you to solve a few problems freely, such, our achieve content formerly, be to go up, return find sth useful to collect?

18. Stationmaster people while clapperclaw advertisement alliance deducts an amount, original ad alliance also is in vexed stationmaster people the cogged method that emerge in endlessly, stationmaster people cold-shoulder advertisement alliance while unit price is too low, original ad alliance also is seeking costly ad actively advocate, everything is the two sides of the thing actually, stationmaster and advertisement alliance the impact of mutual depend on sb or sth for existence is short-term can impossible change, since we cannot be changed, both sides should try to understand communication each other.

19. It was the third time Algerians had voted for a parliament since 1992, when the army abruptly interrupted a short-lived experiment in democracy by calling off the country's first multi-party election after the fundamentalists of the Islamic Salvation Front had swept the board in the first round, whereupon the generals stepped in to annul the process. That intervention triggered a conflict of extraordinary brutality that is yet to be fully extinguished, with some 200, 000 dead.

20. be short for是什么意思

20. Zoology environment aggravation basically behaves the resource that it is water rare be short of and development uses rate low; extensive cultivate course of study to make quality of agricultural zoology environment deteriorates quickly; prairie ecosystem suffers excessive depasture wait for a reason to destroy serious, natural prairie produces structural sex decline, vegetation productivity is reduced significantly.

  • 临近词
While not too bad for a short conversation, for something longer, it will be a real performance problem.(虽然对于较短的对话影响不大,但是如果对话很长,性能问题就显现出来了。)
However short our friend lifespan would be for new friends, we should always try to keep in touch with our old friends.(不论我们新朋友的生命周期有多短暂,我们应该一直试着同老朋友们保持联系。)
Sunrise rays are short-lived and can be rewarding to spot for Moon enthusiasts with telescopes.(这种光线存在时间很短,是对用望远镜观察月球的爱好者的酬赏。)
In the short term, companies would be grateful for any equity capital they could raise from retail investors, so they could bolster their balance-sheets.(短期看,公司会为从散户那里筹集的股票资产感到欣慰,所以他们可以强化他们的资产负债表。)
For example, we think that short boys can't possibly be good basketball players.(例如,我们认为矮的男孩不可能成为好的篮球运动员。)
There will always be a handful of urgent and important issues that arise, causing our schedules to be chaotic for short periods.(总是会有一大堆紧急而且重要的事情发生,使得我们的时间表短时间内产生混乱。)
The vehicle Antilock Braking System (be short for ABS) has been widely applied on the vehicles, in order to improve the safety.(为提高汽车行驶安全性,制动防抱死系统(简称abs)在汽车上得到了广泛应用。)
S-EVwould be short for seawater electric vehicle, only of course you're not dumpingbuckets of seawater into your car, you're driving a fuel cell EV (FCEV) thatruns on hydrogen derived from seawater.(S-EV是海水电动车的简称,当然,你不是要将海水倒在车里,而是因为你驾驶的燃料电池电动车(FCEV)的燃料来自于海水。)
The quote should not be binding and only be valid for a short period of time.(报价不应该是固定的,应该只在短期内有效。)
Constructive Disengagement - Full engagement is using all of your resources and can only be maintained for a short burst.(建设性脱离-全部参与是使用你的所有资源,并只能维持短期突发。)
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